Start presentation

and the future of Web

Martin Hassman

6. 3. 2008, PROWAS, Prague


WHATWG (2004)

W3C (2007)

HTML5 - text/html

<!doctype html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">


		<p>Hello World!</p>
  • Simplified encoding declaration

Also HTML5 - text/html

<!doctype html>
		<meta charset="utf-8"/>


		<p>Hello World!</p>
  • This character has no effect except to appease the markup gods. As this character is therefore just a symbol of faith, atheists should omit it.

XHTML5 - application/xhtml+xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns="">

		<p>Hello World!</p>
  • DOCTYPE is mandatory
  • Encoding in XML header only

Parts of HTML5

Document real Web

  • Web use HTML As She Spoke
  • HTML5 parser (handle any input)
  • Non-draconian error handling
  • Defined behaviour

Who wins?

	window.location = "";

	window.location = "";

Who wins?

	window.location = "";

	window.location = "";

And now?

	window.location = "";

	window.location = "";

And now?

	window.location = "";

	window.location = "";

Common browser enhancements

  • Show designMode="on" on some page.

It's OK

But what is REALLY new in HTML5?

Semantic elements


Web Forms 2.0

New input elements

New input elements

Pattern attribute

<input type="text"
 title="Enter phone number as XXX-XXX-XXX">

Invalid event

<input type="text"
 oninvalid="handle_myself(); return false;">

Required attribute

<input type="text" required>

Autofocus attribute

<input type="text" autofocus>

Better file upload

More files to upload?

<input type="file" max="10">

Or even more?

<input type="file" max="1000">

Form prefilling

<form data="">

Data Storage

Offline applications

Cross-document communication

Event-source element

<event-source src=""

Audio and Video elements


It's fantastic!

Can I use it?

  • Some partt implemented in Safari, Opera, Firefox and IE8

Opera implemented

Firefox implemented

Safari implemented

Internet Explorer 8 beta implemented


Other information


5 > 4

5 > 3

5 > 2

5 > 1
